About Pennsylvania Action on Climate (PAC)

In June 2022, Pennsylvania climate advocates, anti-corruption activists, and concerned residents converged in Harrisburg to address Pennsylvania’s worsening corruption-fueled climate crisis. After a weekend filled with rigorous discussion about what actions come next, Pennsylvania Action on Climate formed. 

Pennsylvania Action on Climate is a coalition of climate and anti-corruption activists who are taking the nonviolent direct action necessary to address Pennsylvania’s corruption-fueled climate crisis. 

The coalition conducts regular nonviolent direct action trainings to prepare individuals and organizations to plan and carry out decentralized nonviolent direct actions across Pennsylvania.

We fight because Pennsylvanians are suffering from the consequences of our systemic ecocide: Breathing disorders. Impaired cognitive function. Loss of biodiversity. Dirty air. Undrinkable water. Low birth weight. Depleted soil and biomass. Cancer clusters. And more.

We engage in the struggle because everybody has a right to live.

We’re in hazmat suits because this is toxic politics. We’re here to clean up the mess. Get dirty money out of politics. Pass a gift ban. End side jobs that smack of corruption.
— Michael Bagdes-Canning